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Sunday, February 6, 2011

reading response

title: Cooling on Warming
author: Hendrick Hertzberg
Genre/Text Form: news
Book/URL: Cooling on Warming

This article published in The New Yorker magazine focuses on promises made in the U.S. to stop or slow climate change that were never followed. It talks of the cap and trade bill, the climate bill, and the state of union meeting. It brings up promises made by Obama, Bush, and many other high authority figures that were not followed or remembered. However now some reporters and politicians are trying to convince congress to focus on this topic and live up to your word. They also have a very convincing argument saying that the economy and other hot topics should  be put on the back burner considering that in a critical situation we can all live off of each other but we cannot stop climate change in an instant.

I really enjoyed reading this but it did make me quite angry at the way the U.S. is run, it might be better with the country having no government and have us run ourselves for a change instead of these bogus promises and bills. I think that this article should be read by as many people as possible and talked about to encourage collaborative solutions to fix these problems. As it doesn't only take a rocket scientist to figure it out, combining all of our information and thoughts we can solve any problem a million times faster than the government.

In case you were wondering I really like debating these sorts of topics, there is really a lot to talk about.

Sometimes I wonder how government stays afloat, the people are popular for a short amount of time then
are hated, but they always  come back, one apology and the public seems to be all for even though most people still don't like them.

I've noticed a pattern in government and that is that every time a new bill comes up regardless of what it represents republicans will simply say no to bring down the democrats. The same happens the other way around from time to time as well, it just seems to be an endless circle with no point.

While reading this I made the connection of this and ageism with ever body always saying no, or that's a great idea and then leaving it to disappear. All that happens is we are locking out valuable ideas and help for what reason? To look like you won? Not worth it.

I would as I said before recommend this to everyone for the simple reason that it could save us.

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