Title: why the iPad is destroying the future of journalism
Author: Bradford
Genre: blog
URL: http://measuringmeasures.com/blog/2010/12/31/why-the-ipad-is-destroying-the-future-of-journalism.html
This blog was written on how one person sees the business of journalism and how the new release of the iPad effects it. I find this to be a horribly written article that I would never read again. I see this Bradford as an attention hog, trying to look smart by stating what we already know. I find that throughout the text he constantly repeats the same information if you were to sum it up. His main points are that the journalism industry can not adapt to the new forms of technology fast enough for it to survive, that the industry isn't seeing potential and keeps shutting doors on themselves, also that some how journalism being "dead" is the producers of technology's fault.
The way I see journalism now is not the end but it is infect just adapting. Bradford is obviously just used to traditional media and although he says that he thinks it should change he suggests that we keep using large sites to distribute the text. What he doesn't notice is that by giving your writing away free or selling your work through your own site, in the end you will probably be making money. And yes there is a probably because all business is risky but it can be very rewarding. Another problem with that is that publishing companies pay you very little because they take most of the profit from the sales and leave you with virtually nothing.
I also question how good of a blogger he is because there are many, many negative comments on his blog that he hasn't responded to, which also gives you the feeling that he doesn't stand by his thoughts.
Because of these reasons I do not think that anyone should have to read this post and therefor I do not recommend it to anyone.
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