Title: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
By: Mark Herman and John Bayne
Genre: Holocaust, war, movie
In this fictional story they focus on a boy named Bruno. Bruno and his friends love adventure and want to be explorers when they grow up. Bruno's father is a Nazi soldier who gets a promotion and therefor he must move to the country with his family. From Bruno's new room he can see a "farm." After he shows his mother what turns out to be a work camp his window is boarded up and he is ban from leaving the property. Because he is so curious he leaves to find the camp where he befriends a boy named Shmol. Bruno doesn't understand what is happening and thinks that Shmol is having fun. He soon learns different.
I wonder where "the country" is and if there were any large concentration camps nearby.
I made a text to world connection, if Bruno is the world and Shmol is the people of the Holocaust. Bruno does not believe Shmol and denies the imprisonment of Jews and Shmol is desperately trying to tell Bruno what's happening, what hitler did but on a smaller scale.
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