the book is called night, by Ellie Wiesel, the genre is history/war.
This is the story of a boy named Ellie and his father who go on an adventure through various concentration camps during the holocaust. In this true tale they endure and see unimaginable sights and events. Written by Ellie himself it follows his father and him through the ghettos, several large camps and what they saw. It starts in a small town of Hungary and tells of how they were forced into ghettos and the rising of Hitler. Later it progresses into the camps where they describe down to the smallest detail about how they were treated and what they endured. Eventually they are ready to roll over and die, will they...
I do wonder what it was actually like to live on that amount of food and work that hard all while being beaten everyday, it would be cool if I could go back and feel what they felt, but I would never do it. I also wonder what Ellie did after the war was over and how he survived for all this time.
I liked this book because I felt like I was there with the description he gave and also because I felt like it was one of those books I never wanted to end.
I would recommend this book to either Dylan or Georgios because they both seem to be into the Holocaust and stories from survivors of it.
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